Domestic workers take up many jobs within other people’s homes. Most women provide domestic services for low pay, such as sweeping and cleaning, washing clothes and dishes, shopping, cooking, children and elderly care, and looking after the disabled. Men usually have better paid jobs as in gardening, driving, and security. Domestic workers are often stretched to work multiple jobs on a part time basis and work for various employers.
MNM Foundation aims to ensure that:
- Women domestic workers are empowered through information and support networks particularly in relation to migration
- Collective voice and advocacy capacity of women domestic workers is strengthened through organization
- Women domestic workers are better able to negotiate for better wages as a result of skill development and empowerment
- Union leaders and women domestic workers are able to exercise their rights as workers through an improved understanding of their rights at work.
- Access to effective complaints mechanisms and support services for women domestic workers who experience exploitation and abuse at work.
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